Nine Postdoctoral Positions
Post-doctoral positions in the Centre for Research on Inflammatory Diseases (CRID) – Immunology, Pharmacology, Molecular Biology, Medicinal Chemistry, Development of new therapies, translational research.
Nine postdoctoral positions are available at the Departments of Immunology, Pharmacology and Clinical Medicine of the Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo (FMRP-USP), Ribeirao Preto, Brazil. The fellowships are funded by the Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). The candidates will lead projects in different areas of interest of the Center of Research in Inflammatory Diseases (CRID), as follows:
Applicants should be exceptionally motivated, innovative, and capable of independent work within a collaborative team setting.
Applications Deadline: All applications should be received by January 15th 2017.
Beginning of fellowships activities: March 01st 2017
Position #1: Targeting signaling pathways in the control of inflammatory diseases
The ideal candidate must have a PhD. degree and be able to develop / conduct biochemical and molecular analyzes to test the action of potential drugs on targets of interest of the Center. Prior experience with High Throughput Screening techniques / equipment / software, including cell culture, transfection and transformation, immunocytochemistry, biochemical and molecular interactions is essential. Please submit complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Rita Tostes: rtostes@usp.br. Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation).
Position #2: Cellular metabolism as a therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammatory diseases. The focus is on the development of in vitro and in vivo studies to evaluate the metabolic pathways involved in the activation and differentiation of lymphocytes and macrophages in order to identify new targets and their therapeutic potential for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the interest to CRID. Applicants should have knowledge and experience of working with cell culture, flow cytometry and molecular biology techniques, including RT-PCR, Western blot, cell transfection. Applicants should also have self-reliance, motivation, and an ability to work collaboratively with colleagues. Applicants should have a PhD. Value of the fellowship: according to FAPESP scale. To apply please send the complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Jose Carlos F. Alves Filho (jcafilho@usp.br). Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation.
Position #3. Assessment of biomarkers of therapeutic response and of cardiovascular events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. The focus is to develop immunological and molecular biology methods in order to characterize new biomarkers of therapeutic response and occurrence of cardiovascular events in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis. It is important to have experience in immunological techniques, especially in techniques of flow cytometry and molecular biology. Please submit complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Paulo Louzada-Junior (plouzada@fmrp.usp.br). Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation.
Position #4. Computational design of potential anti-inflammatory drugs. The focus is on using computational chemistry methodologies and medicinal chemistry knowledge for proposing and optimizing new lead drug candidate compounds, which addressed to selected therapeutic targets for inflammatory diseases. The candidate must be chemist or pharmacist, with Master and PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, and a wide and proven experience in Medicinal Chemistry and Computational, especially in inflammatory diseases. Applicants should have a PhD. Value of the fellowship: according to FAPESP scale. To apply please send the complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Carlos Tomich (tomich@fcfrp.usp.br). Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation.
Position #5. Signaling pathways that influence the development of sepsis, as therapeutic targets. The ideal candidate must have a PhD. degree and skills that allow the development of in vivo and in vitro studies to determine the biochemical and molecular pathways involved in the immunopathology of sepsis. The proposed studies aim to evaluate the effects of potential drugs of interest to the CRID. It is important to have experience with in vivo and in vitro of classical models to investigate the pathophysiology of sepsis, as well as procedures of cell culture, transfection and transformation, immunocytochemistry, biochemical molecules and molecular interactions.
Candidates must have a PhD. Value of the fellowship: according to FAPESP table. Please send by January 15th 2017 to Dr. Fernando Cunha Q (fdqcunha@fmrp.usp.br) the following documents: curriculum vitae, letter expressing the reasons for interest in the position and two letters of ex-supervisors expressing their opinions about the candidate
Position 6#. Genomic and Proteomic for the identification of signaling pathways in inflammatory processes. The focus is the development or genomic and/or proteomic analysis to identify and validate cell signaling pathways that are relevant to infectious and inflammatory processes of interest to the CRID Project. Successful candidates should have expertise in genomic and/or proteomic analysis. It is desirable expertise in techniques such as cell culture, molecular biology, biochemistry and identification of molecular interactions. We are seeking an exceptionally motivated individual who can work independently in a collaborative team. Candidates with prior experience in genomic analysis and / or proteomic and / or bioinformatics will be prioritized. Candidates must have a PhD. Value of the fellowship: according to FAPESP scale. Applicants should send by January 15th 2017 to Dr. Dario S. Zamboni (dszamboni@fmrp.usp.br) the following documents: curriculum vitae, letter expressing the reasons for interest in the position and two names to be consulted for recommendations.
Position #7. Pre-clinical studies in well-characterized animal models of inflammation and inflammatory disease. One of the most important steps for a drug discovery is an assessment of compound effects in animal models of human diseases. Therefore, we are seeking a postdoc researcher that will perform in vivo validation and pre-clinical development in well-characterized animal models of inflammation and inflammatory disease of the most promising hits from the in silico and in vitro screening studies from CRID. Expertise in mouse cares, breeding and in vivo experimentation in mouse models of inflammation is essential. Additional skills including flow cytometry, confocal microscopy and methods of gene expression analysis (RT-PCR, western blotting and immunohistochemistry) are a plus but not required. Applicants should also have self-reliance, motivation, and an ability to work collaboratively with colleagues. Applicants should have a PhD. Value of the fellowship: according to FAPESP scale. To apply please send the complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Jose Carlos F. Alves Filho (jcafilho@usp.br). Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation.
Position #8. Control of the immune response. We are seeking applicants who are exceptionally motivated, innovative, that can work independently within a collaborative team setting. Prior experience in cellular immunology techniques and bioinformatics will be valued. Applicants must have knowledge in Immunology, if possible in the control of the immune response in Infectious Diseases. Please submit complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Joao Santana Silva (jsdsilva@fmrp.usp.br). Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation).
Position #9. Biomarkers of cardiovascular events and metabolic syndrome in patients with autoimmune diseases. The focus is to develop immunological and molecular biology methods in order to characterize new biomarkers of cardiovascular events and metabolic syndrome in patients with autoimmune diseases. It is important to have experience in immunological techniques, especially in techniques of flow cytometry and molecular biology. Please submit complete application, by January 15th 2017, to Dr. Paulo Louzada-Junior (plouzada@fmrp.usp.br). Documents to be sent: a letter stating the reasons you are interested in the position, curriculum vitae and 2 names to be consulted for recommendation.
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